Monday, September 28, 2015

what are your activities here in USA?

the asylum officer concluded the interview with these questions, on 8/21/14:

1. has your government talked to your family, in your country, about you, in the past year?
2. has anyone talked to any member of your family, about you, in the past year?
3. You departed from your country in 2008, and went to Saudi Arabia? in Saudi Arabia, did you participate in any activities against your government?
4. Why not?
5. Have  you been participating in any activities here in USA?
6. why not?
7. Have you participated in any political activities in USA?
= = =

the applicant answered all of the above questions with NO.
-The government of applicant's country has forgotten about applicant
-the applicant has forgotten about his government, apparently
-note that questions #5 and #7 are the same: the officer repeated this question.
The fact that the officer asked the same question, twice, tells you what about how important the answer to the question is?
This applicant was denied asylum.
What should he have done to have improved his chances of winning?
What should you do, between now and the time of your interview with the asylum officer?

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