Wednesday, December 8, 2021

 Questions asked of an activist from Iraq [part 3 December 2021]

I know I asked you this three hours ago [it is now 3:09 pm]

but, what was your job in 2011? how did you get hired there?

why did you depart from that job?

[why is Immigration Court so different from asylum office?]

Where did you work in May 2005? [sixteen years ago]

[is it in the training of asylum officers, that they should wear down each applicant until at least three inconsistencies are found? Deny the applicant lunch, make him sit there for five hours, and then during the sixth hour, repeat questions from the second hour?]

What did you say about yourself in your DS-160?

[It is my job to drag inconsistencies out of you. We have all the time in the world; what is six hours and 30 minutes, if I can discover an inconsistency that I can show to my boss?]

It is now 3:27 pm. Let's talk about 2011_ ten years ago. Where did you work?

Did you begin work in December 2009 or was it July 2009? Why are you inconsistent?

I will ask you again: was it in December or July of 2009?

It is now 3:40 pm. I will ask you the same question I asked you at 3:15 pm: when did you begin to work at that office?

In 2005, [16 years ago] you were a member of which organizations?

in 2011, weren't there other protests?

what was the government concerned about in 2013?

Brother #1: he worked for what company in 2014?

are you a member of any organizations today?

Tell me about all of your international travel? [why don't Assistant Chief Counsels ask this?]

Have you ever been accused of crime?

did you ever give "material support" to an organization that you think was a good organization?

did you ever recruit anyone to join a "terrorist organization"?

Is there anything else? Yes? what?

It is now 4: 36 pm. We are done!

[this interview was scheduled to begin at 9:30 am. It did begin at 10:30.   A six-hour interview, with one break of 15 minutes]

 Activist from Iraq [part 2]

who beat you up? what clothes were they wearing? what did they say? what language did they speak? did they rob you?

can you remember one bad guy in particular? he was tall/short? fat/thin/muscular? beard? glasses? expression on his face?

how did they beat you? using what weapons? hit you where?

any blood come out? you did not go to doctor? why not?

you did not report this to police? why not?

what did you see with your eyes? what did you hear with your ears? did you smell anything? what did other people tell you?

there was a protest ten years ago? April 2011? what day in April?

What was the protest about?

How did you organize the protest? what did you do?

who protested? students? faculty? why did they protest?

Did any of the protestors throw rocks or shoot guns? Did they advocate violence? were they "terrorists" according to definitions of US Congress?

do you have any photos of your scars?

do you have a letter of corroboration from a friend who was with you, at the protest?

did you suffer any other physical harm?

did you suffer any other threats?

In May 2006, there was a protest? where were you, when you were threatened? where were you standing or sitting?

October 2005 is 16 years ago? YES. What was your address?

OK, this in new information. We must change page 4 of the I-589 that asks for this

It is now 1 05 pm. Let's take a 15 minute break. I am allowed to eat food and drink coffee, but you are not.

    [during the break, I saw children sleeping on the floor. The Immigration Court waives the presence of kids; why not the asylum office?]

You say you were beaten by government agents in 2015. Did you complain to the police? why not?

Were you a member of an organization? do you have a membership card?  Your card says you joined in 2014, but really you joined in 2015?

in 2005, [sixteen years ago] were you a member of an organization? 

in 2009, you were at a new job. What month did you begin there? During that year, were you a member of an organization?

[why do asylum officers do extensive background checks, which are not done for cases in Immigration Court?]

your sister was beaten up by government agents? did she report that to the police? why not?

did sister go to the doctor? why not?

did you criticize your government while you were in your country? did you criticize them here in USA? if you return to your country, will you continue to criticize?

While living here in USA, did you receive any threats?

Why isn't each member of your family dead?

you do not trust the police in Region #1, where you were. So, why not tell police in a different region?

Woudn't you be safe if you lived in Region #3? #4?

did anything bad happen to similarly-situated persons?

you were last harmed six years ago: they have forgotten about you, haven't they?

 Questions asked of an activist from Iraq [December 2021]

Who came with you, today, to this interview?

did you file I-539?

who prepared I-589? how was it prepared?

did you read the final version

did you have any help in writing your declaration?

Does your declaration describe ALL of the harms you suffered?

does it describe all harms in the past? all harms in the future?

Show me your passport! can you give me a copy of every page of your passport? when and how was it issued? did you attempt to re-new it? why not?

is this your only passport?

What is your grandfather's first name?

your father's name?

tell me all of your addresses for the past ten years!

where did you live in 2005? [sixteen years ago]

three years ago, you lived at this address in Virginia for just three months? why was that?

on this page, you say you started a job in June 2013; but today you say it was in September 2013? why the difference?

tell me the place of birth of your mother/father/ brother #1/ brother #2/ sister #1

brother #1 now lives in France? what is his immigration status there?

sister #1 now lives in England? what is her immigration status there?

where did you work in 2009? [12 years ago] Did you begin to work there in the month of March, or was it July? why are you inconsistent?

Why did you leave your country?

There was a protest in June 2016? what day in June?

what are the political parties in Iraq?

you protested in February 2011? [ten years ago] Where did you protest?

Did you organize the protests?

were you a member of an organization? [this was asked 4x during the interview]

did an organization organize the protest?

How did you express  your political opinion? where did you talk to people? on the street? inside restaurants? on college campus?

did you write letters to influential people? did you phone them or send emails or texts?

did you post on Facebook or on Twitter? did you print out any examples of what you posted?

did the Government read your posts? how do you know if they did or didn't?