Thursday, August 29, 2019

More questions to the Christian from Syria:
  what is a "rebel"? what does "unrest" mean? 
what does "imputed" opinion mean?
did your grandparents suffer any physical harm?
any emotional harm? any economic harm?
why can't they move to another part of the country and be safe there?
did a member of your family voluntarily return to this country, that you say is "dangerous"?
   If someone voluntarily goes somewhere, isn't that evidence that the place is not dangerous?
did you have any trouble departing from your country? from entering it?
did you give money to anyone, even if under duress?
did you give money, even one dollar, to the bad guys, at a checkpoint?
Did anything else happen in your country last year? this year?
If  you return, what would happen?
Who would harm you, and why?
would anyone arrest you at the airport?
how would the bad guys know you had returned to the country?
How would they know what your religion was?
What efforts does the government do, to punish the bad guys?
You say you were a religious person in your old country?
    are you religious in this country?
do you know of a similarly-situated person who recently suffered harm in your country?
Is there anything else?
is there anyone here in the USA, such as your employer, who wants you to stay, and who wrote a letter of suppport for you?
you do not know your own ethnic group?
you do not know what kind of Christian you are?
what is "material support"?  did you give even one dollar to a rebel or to a bad guy?
what lies did  you tell to get your visitor's visa?

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