Thursday, November 6, 2008

why does the Judge want an overseas investigation?

The GAO issued a study in September 2008 entitled "US Asylum System." The study presents survey results from a large number of immigration judges:

1. 29% said they believed there was fraud in half of asylum cases; 19% believed there was fraud in "most" asylum cases; 6% believed there was fraud in "all or almost all" cases. 29+19+6=54%.

2. a large number of judges reported there was "lack of overseas information" about the claim. The judges believe "it is the role of the ICE trial attorney or the asylum applicant to gather information from overseas agencies." [at page 67 of report]

3. 86% of judges reported that is would be "very useful" if an overseas investigation occurred.

CONCLUSION: a family member of each applicant should talk face-to-face with the US Embassy in his city, about the claim of applicant. The applicant should inform the US Embassy of the name, address, and phone number of the family member who wants to provide information.

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