Wednesday, February 24, 2010

how to show emotional harm

There is physical harm, there is economic harm, and there is "emotional" harm.

1. In January 2010, how did you sleep at night? did you sleep well? or, was sleep interrupted by bad dreams and nightmares? can you draw me a picture of what you "saw" in your bad dream?

2. In the last six months, how has your appetite been? good? bad? did you gain or lose weight? why did that happen, do you think?

3. in the last six months, as you have been living here in the USA, did anything remind you of what happened to you in the old country? Did you see a man wearing a green uniform in Alexandria, VA? did you hear the referee blow a whistle during a basketball game, on your television in Hyattsville, MD? as you took the Metro over the river, did you smell the water?
did any of these things cause you to have a "flashback"?

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