Thursday, January 27, 2011

will your mother talk to US Embassy official?

Ms. K, from Kenya, was denied asylum. She said she was beat up by the Mungiki, was taken to the "X" hospital, and was treated by Dr. "Y."
-An official from the US Embassy in Kenya called the hospital, and asked to speak to Dr. Y. The hospital said that Dr. Y did not work there. So, no asylum, said the Judge.
Ms. K later said that Dr. Y was a visiting teaching doctor, who was only at the hospital for a short time.
the mother of Ms. K, who still lives in Kenya, should have visited the US Embassy, and told them that her daughter really was in the hospital, and really was injured. "I saw her lying down on the bed with bandages."
will your mother or father talk to the US Embassy in your country?

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