Monday, February 21, 2011

be consistent with yourself

Mr. Yang was denied asylum by the IJ, because:

-in his written statement, it said his wife had to have IUD checks TWICE per year; but in court, he orally testified it was 3 times per year;
-in his written statement, it said wife hid at the house of HUSBAND'S aunt; but in court, he orally testified wife hid at the house of wife's aunt;
-in his written statement, it said a possible prison term of three months; but in court, he orally stated there was a possible prison term of MORE THAN THREE MONTHS;
-in his written statement, it said he left China in November 2004; but in court, he orally testified he left in November 2005

Thursday, February 10, 2011

an activist from Burma was not active enough

Mr. N, from Burma, was denied asylum.
-in court, he said the police talked to his mother, in Burma, just one time. However, the letter from mother said that the police talked to her several times.
-he had a brother in Burma, who knew that the police talked to mother, but the brother did not write a letter. Why not?
Mr. N, did you even ask brother to write a letter?
whose fault is it, that there is no letter?

Mr. N did protest three times in front of the Burmese Embassy. So what?
There is no evidence that the government knows or cares about protestors.
There is no evidence the government is interested in Mr. N.
Mr. N is not famous, noisy, notorious or conspicuous here in USA.
He did not send certified letters to his Embassy. He did not create a blog where he criticized his government. He only protested three times in three years.
He did not seek to re-new his passport. Professor Kyaw, from New York University, did NOT testify in court. Mr. N did not even ask the Professor to come.

an activist from Ethiopia

The government lawyer asked:
-tell me your complete immigration history here in USA: you entered in 2001 as a tourist? as a diplomat?
-then you filed for an extension, I-539?
-when was your passport issued? when was it re-newed?
-Tell me about all of your international travel!
-you were safe here in USA, and then you returned to the country that you say is "dangerous"?
Was your passport ever cancelled?
In your country, did you engage in "oppositional political activity"? [OPA]
did you engage in OPA here in the USA?
why not?
You say you joined the Democratic party here in USA?
Did you hold an office?
Did you write any letters or make phone calls for them?
you just sat in a chair, in a room, while other people talked?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

an activist from Senegal

The Judge and the government lawyer asked:
-why are you applying for asylum?
why did they beat you?
how did they know your brother was an activist?
how did they know you raised money for the party?
how did you get your passport?
when did you first travel outside of your country? the second time?
What was your intent, before you got on the airplane, to fly to USA? did you tell anyone your intent?
How much information did you have? if you had only a little information, could you form an intent? maybe you had no intent, except to get out of your country, and to then ask for advice after arrival in USA?
in 2003, they arrested you at "your" house? does the house have a number, is it on a street? what is the address?
-The title to this house is in whose name? did you own the house? who was the owner?
What was your employment in your country?
you traveled outside of your country, and then returned to your job?
What did your employer think about that? your employer lets you come and go, as you please?