Thursday, April 27, 2017

activist from Egypt #2

-did you give food/$/ trash bags to the organization?
If someone videotaped you, what would the video show?  Pretend the video is played with no sound; all you can see is you. What are you doing in the video? Sitting on a chair? Walking on the sidewalk? On the street? On the grass?
Why did you throw stones? Did you hit anyone?
Did you ever ask anyone else to throw stones?
Why did you protest/?
What did you see with your own eyes? What did you hear, with your own ears?
Why did the officer hit you?
Why did the officer shoot at you?
You gave food to the men? Did any of the food go to men doing violence?
Did you give anything of value to them? Such as 50 cents, a cold drink, a ride in your taxi? Shelter, housing?
Ever help anyone, even if under duress?
= =
You departed from your country 3 years ago? In the last 3 years, did your brother suffer any harm? Your mother?  Any threats to them?
Has anyone asked about you, in the last 3 years? NO? so, the government has forgotten about you? You have done nothing in the past three years to bring yourself to the attention of your government?
If you return to your country, what would happen?
Is there anything else?

Is there anything else?

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