Wednesday, January 10, 2018

suggestions from an Immigration Judge

An immigration judge made this suggestions: January 2018:
-a statement in English, with no translation, is suspect. Can the applicant really write in English?
-did someone with contemporarenous knowledge write a letter of support? for example, if you were hit on the head at 2:30 pm, on Monday, January , 2018 at 1600 Penn Avenue, was there someone else there at the same time, who saw something?
- or maybe someone saw you, with a bruise, at 9:00 pm that same day.
-if you saw a doctor, or went to a hospital, get the records! Or explain why you could not get them.
were you really a member of the organization? where is your card? did the organization write a letter of support?
-if a document is not available, explain why not
-if you refuse to take the advice of  your lawyer, write a letter and explain:

    For example, "My lawyer told me to _______[do this, and also this]. He has been to immigration Court over 100 times, and he has heard directly what judges want. I admit I have never been to immigration court in my life. I have never heard anything from an Immigration Judge.  Nevertheless, I reject the advice of my lawyer because __________ [ I believe I know more about court than he does]

In court, the Judge will ask you, :"Oh, you are very smart, You know more than your lawyer. If that is true, why did you hire him? why did you waste your money, getting advice that you reject?"

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