Wednesday, December 8, 2021

 Questions asked of an activist from Iraq [December 2021]

Who came with you, today, to this interview?

did you file I-539?

who prepared I-589? how was it prepared?

did you read the final version

did you have any help in writing your declaration?

Does your declaration describe ALL of the harms you suffered?

does it describe all harms in the past? all harms in the future?

Show me your passport! can you give me a copy of every page of your passport? when and how was it issued? did you attempt to re-new it? why not?

is this your only passport?

What is your grandfather's first name?

your father's name?

tell me all of your addresses for the past ten years!

where did you live in 2005? [sixteen years ago]

three years ago, you lived at this address in Virginia for just three months? why was that?

on this page, you say you started a job in June 2013; but today you say it was in September 2013? why the difference?

tell me the place of birth of your mother/father/ brother #1/ brother #2/ sister #1

brother #1 now lives in France? what is his immigration status there?

sister #1 now lives in England? what is her immigration status there?

where did you work in 2009? [12 years ago] Did you begin to work there in the month of March, or was it July? why are you inconsistent?

Why did you leave your country?

There was a protest in June 2016? what day in June?

what are the political parties in Iraq?

you protested in February 2011? [ten years ago] Where did you protest?

Did you organize the protests?

were you a member of an organization? [this was asked 4x during the interview]

did an organization organize the protest?

How did you express  your political opinion? where did you talk to people? on the street? inside restaurants? on college campus?

did you write letters to influential people? did you phone them or send emails or texts?

did you post on Facebook or on Twitter? did you print out any examples of what you posted?

did the Government read your posts? how do you know if they did or didn't?

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