Sunday, April 19, 2009

a "black" person from Russia #3

who hit you? why?
who robbed your house? why?
Yuri was beaten up? by whom? why?
Closing argument by government lawyer:
-she only suffered a small amount of harm: nothing physical; no hitting; no hospital bills. She says she suffered emotional and psychological harm, but she never saw a psychologist for her problems. She was able to work, go to school, rent an apartment; she could travel. Her friend was the victim of a crime, but she did not report it to the police.
-the failure to report to the police is important. If you do not tell the police, how can you expect them to help?
-her government does not hate her: the government gave her a passport, and let her travel out of, and back into the country. This shows the government does not hate her.
-After leaving the country she says is so dangerous, she then returned to it. This shows the country is not so dangerous. Who would voluntarily return to danger?

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