Wednesday, July 8, 2009

SCNC activist from Cameroon #4

The Asylum Officer asked:
-when did you first learn about the SCNC?
did you support it? why?
is the SCNC legal?
does the SCNC have an office in Cameroon? where?
how does it do business if it has no office?
Does the SCNC have a flag? can you draw a picture of it?
Why does the flag have ten stars? doesn't the SCNC want to secede?
If you walked up to a police officer, and said, "I am a member of the SCNC, what would happen?"
Is the SCNC legal? [did you remember that I asked that same question five minutes ago?]
Can the SCNC march legally?
is it legal for the SCNC to have meetings?
What does Biya think about the SCNC and about secession?
What do newspapers say about the SCNC?
What do the French-language newspapers say?
what do the English-language newspapers say?
Does mere membership in the SCNC mean you get arrested?
Is the SCNC legal?
Are there statutes which outlaw the SCNC?
do you know what the word "statutes" means?
if you don't know, why do you answer with such confidence?
Did you ever do anything to support the SCNC?
Besides sitting in a chair at a meeting, did you ever DO anything?
did you ever DO anything that a movie camera could record?
Did you stand on the sidewalk, and hand out pamphlets when people walked by?
did you march in a parade and chant slogans?
Did you walk down the street, knock on doors, and ask for money?
Did you sit at a desk and make phone calls or send emails?
did you join the SCNC?
How did you join?
When you joined, where were you?
what did you do to join? sign your name to a piece of paper, pay money?
Was there a ceremony?
were you interviewed before you joined?
Can anyone join? could a member of Paul Biya's family join, and no one would know?
Did any of your friends join? Tell me three names.
After you joined, what were your activities?
Tell me all of your activities.
It sounds like you paid a little money, you sat on a chair in a room when other people talked, and that you did nothing else? is that true? Tell me all of your activities. If you did not really do anything, then say so.

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