Wednesday, July 8, 2009

SCNC activist from Cameroon #5

The Asylum Officer did not get tired of asking questions:
-You say there was a protest in May 2008? what did you see with your own eyes?
people were standing? sitting? talking? walking? what did you see? what did you hear?
-At the moment of your arrest, where were you? sitting on a chair in the basement? lying on your bed in your room? walking on Main street?
when the officer touched you, did he say anything? in what language?
did he have any weapons? what weapons did you see?
what weapons did he actually use on you?
Why were you arrested?
why did the officer hit you?
How were you treated inside the prison?
the older guards did not hit you as hard as the younger guards?
did you suffer any emotional harm?
what words did the guard say? how did that make you feel?
when you saw the guard walk into your cell with the club, what thoughts went through your mind?
how did you get released? what was the conversation as you left the prison?
After release, where did you go? how did you travel? by foot? bus? train?
You say you were beaten badly in the prison? So, why didn't you see a doctor in Cameroon? why did n't you see a doctor in the USA?
Why were you imprisoned?
did anyone ever tell you why you were arrested?

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