Thursday, October 7, 2010

more questions to Burmese activist Sept. 2010

Tell me about your father: his work, where he lives today; did he suffer emotional harm? economic harm? physical harm?
-Tell me about mother: did she suffer emotional harm?
Tell me about sister #1: did she suffer harm?
tell me about brother #1: did he suffer economic harm?
why did you come to USA?
You say you gave money to victims of the cyclone? where did the money come from? how did you get it?
Why did you protest? what did you want?
Did your government notice or know that you protested? how do you know that?
why did you apply for asylum?
what is your complete immigration history here in USA?
You lived freely in Burma? what was not free?
What do you mean, "you lived under surveillance"? did you suffer emotional harm as a result of living under surveillance?
did you suffer any harm in Burma? what kind of harm?
if you return to Burma tomorrow, what would happen?
do you know anyone else, who protested in USA and then returned to Burma?
Who is Nyi Nyi Aung?
-you say your country is dangerous? your government hates you? but, you voluntarily returned there? you voluntarily showed your passport, with your name and photo on it, to the government officials at the airport?

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