Monday, June 26, 2017

asked of a government worker #3

The Dep’t of state report for 2005 says that the police killed protesters in the city of ZZZ. Is this true? Did you know about it, at the time?
Did you “assist in the persecution” of others?
Why did  you continue to work for the evil government?
Did you see corrupt and violent acts by the government?
Did you downplay human rights violations?
What did  your boss want you to do? How did you respond to those pressures?
Did you ever see a human rights violation?
Did you ever hear of one? What did you do/ nothing? Why was that?
The police and the government wanted to look better than they were, right? They wanted to avoid bad publicity? Did you assist them to do that?
A United Nations report from 2012 says the police killed some demonstrators? Why did you do nothing in response?
Didn’t your boss “sell” jobs in exchange for kickbacks?
Even if you didn’t want to, ever give food to a “terrorist”?
Why do the bad guys hate  you? Is it for any other reason?
Is there anything else?

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