Wednesday, November 3, 2010

november 2010 activist from Cameroon

The Asylum officer asked these questions:
-do you have any relatives in USA?
-what work have you done for the past 5 years?
-does your wife work? your father? your mother?
-What reason did you give, to get your visa to come to USA?
Why do you want asylum?
why would government hurt you?
You were arrested in August 2009? where were you, at the moment of your arrest?
Can you draw a picture of the scene? where were you standing, where was wife, where was the soldier?
Why were you arrested? what reason did they give?
What were you doing, right before the soldier came in?
who else was there? Mr. Elmo? why didn't he write a letter of support for you?
where did they take you?
where exactly is the police station?
you say you went to a rally in September 2009? how many people were there?
Why did you go to the rally?
why did the police go to the rally?
who organized the rally?
what day in September was it? on a Tuesday? Wednesday? the 15th? 16th?
why were you arrested?
how were you arrested? did the soldier touch you? how? where?
What did the officer say, as he arrested you?
what thoughts went through your mind, as he arrested you?
Please make a sketch: draw a picture of the scene
How many officers came inside? how many were outside?
You were inside prison for six days? how would you describe your time there?

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